My life was disintegrating.
Things that used to bring me great joy left me feeling empty.
Depression, stress, and irritability were now normal ways of being.
Not surprisingly, my decade-long relationship with my amazing wife was severely strained as well.
There was nowhere to hide from the big, black storm cloud that was my life.
But then, one act of kindness began to change everything.
A friend at the restaurant where I worked, Devin, could tell I was suffering.
One afternoon, as I was setting up for the shift, he reached across the long, lacquered oak bar and handed me a book.
In my recollection, I envision time stopping and angels chanting in that one fateful moment when the solitary paperback exchanged hands:
All praise the one book that would change everything!
But that’s not how it actually felt at all.
“I really don’t read, and especially not books like that,” was my ungrateful reaction.
“Just trust me,” he said. Then he explained how this book was exactly what he needed at one dark point in his life too.
I scanned it apprehensively.
The book was “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.
Then I glanced over the back cover and read that this book would ‘reveal the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering’.
That must have resonated with me, because what I did next surprised me the most…
I actually read it.
The words in that book changed my perspective on life.
That simple book showed me how I was living a life based on a set of programs and beliefs that weren’t even mine to begin with.
I was living life as a puppet on a string, subject to the whims and winds of an external world over which I had no control.
It also gave me a blueprint out of the trap, a way to clean the “Smokey Mirror” (to use a term from the book) and see life with a sense of clarity that I had never experienced before.
Armed with my developing skills of meditation and practicing mindfulness, I began following the Four Agreements: 1. Be impeccable with your word, 2. Don’t take things personally, 3. Don’t make assumptions, and 4. Always do your best.
And the veil began to lift from my eyes.
I gained insight into how life can be so much more joyful here and now, and how so much of our misery is self-inflicted.
Now I teach many of the same principles from that book that dramatically elevated my life…and still do.
So, have you read “The Four Agreements”? If not, would you?
I’m currently focusing my energy on sharing messages like these in corporate workshops, at conferences, and in front of audiences who desire to live with more peace and less stress. If you’re interested in working together, book a call …let’s see if it’s a great fit!
Mike’s quote of the week:
“Take your mind to the gym. It will thank you.” - MM
What I’m pondering:
“There is no such thing as death.” - Abraham Hicks
Things I’ve shared recently:
How to train yourself into joy more often.
How do you recalibrate during a busy day?
The Story of the Russian Farmer and “Borders are imaginary”
Do you find value in these stories? Consider forwarding this email to friends, family, and coworkers…I truly appreciate you!
Enjoy the journey,